Don’t Let Pain Stop You From Living Well.
Initial Assessment Appointments
During an initial assessment a medical history is taken. The cause of your condition is identified and a treatment course is produced. Education is provided on the condition and strategies are discussed to resolve the problem. These typically last 30-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the condition.
Follow Up Appointments
During follow up appointmetns your progress will be assessed. New therapy exercises may be taught and additional treatment may be provided. Reassessment may occur when appropriate. These typially last 20-30 minutes depending on the complexty of the condition.
Industrial Ergonomics
Industrial ergonomics is the key to reducing stress on a workforce and maximizing their effectiveness. Heavy jobs can increase the risk that a workers develops musculoskeletal injury but the cause is not always clear. An industrial ergonomics assessment can identify where increased risk is coming and provides strategies on how to prevent future injuries from occurring. An initial assessment is often paired with education for workers and a follow up assessment to determine whether risk levels have been lowered effetively.
Office Ergonomics
Desk workers also have an increased risk of injury, static positions which are held continuosuly through the day can create overuse injuries. Correct position of a desk and computer can redue pain, reduce injury risk, and improve productivity.